Saturday, August 23, 2008

Water For Gas - DIY Or Ready-To-Go Hydrogen Fuel Kits?

Water for gas. Yea, but... You have heard of the significant savings that water fuel offers. You like the sound of hydrogen fuel kits but you cannot see how you can easily put one together from components you have to find yourself from a set of instructions. Let alone install an HHO kit yourself.

Some people love working on their cars. You too may be handy enough to use your mechanical skills to run your car on water.

But others just want to increase gas mileage as soon as possible, at the lowest price, using a reliable product, without messing with any technical stuff. Most drivers will be in that boat.

So lets look at either option in getting you behind the wheel of your own water powered car hybrid as soon as possible, your way.

DIY Water For Gas - How Hard Is It?

Not hard. You will need around three hours or so to install a HHO gas system, using basic skills. But you do need a basic understanding of how an internal combustion engine works. Why? Well, for one you are "plugging in" an extra fuel source into your engine. Cars are not cheap and you want to make sure you do it safely and not void any warranties.

Of course you will need a clear guide on hydrogen fuel kits installation and not all of them "out there" are all that easy to understand. Do your research and don't just rely on quickly thrown together "water for gas review" sites.

You will need to source all the required kit components. Most will be available from your local hardware store or supermarket even. But you must take care to get exactly the right parts, not to cause frustrations later when you try to start up the dang thing. And you will need some tools.

Water For Gas - How Easy Are Hydrogen Fuel Kits?

All you need to access are the battery, fuel pump relay fuse and the air intake. The supplemental hydrogen kit has all the components. All you do is assemble your water fuel cell and install it.

If you can easily access these it is virtually a matter of adding on a ready-made HHO kit. You should not have to make any changes to your car's engine.

If these parts are not easily accessed, get someone else to do it for you. A mechanically-minded friend or your mechanic perhaps.

Or, since installing hydrogen fuel kits requires more electrical work than mechanical work, some people got great results from using your car stereo shop to fit it for you.

Of course, the easiest route of all is to buy pre-assembled HHO kits and get someone to plug them in for you. You're on your way in no time, grinning all the way to your gas station as you save money and emissions.

Make water for gas your reality by investing in the right guide or kit. Why not run your car on water! Many people have already gone down that road.

About the Author

Dr Erik Leipoldt has long been concerned about the effects of global warming and he views the water for gas technology as one significant thing drivers can do to save on emissions and fuel cost. Visit his site now to learn about the system that's right for you.

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