Monday, October 20, 2008

Hybrids Save Gas

There are alternatives that will allow you to save money by reducing how much gas you use. You can choose to travel less, but that is not always an option. After all, you do need to commute to work and run errands. So unless you work from home, driving less is not really an option.

Another option is to purchase a new hybrid vehicle for $20,000 to $25,000. Provided you have the extra money to spend on a hybrid. One of the fastest growing trends in America today is water and gas hybrids that reduce the use of gas by making the car more efficient.

I know what you are now thinking. I don't have the money to purchase a hybrid - any kind of hybrid. The truth is that it does not cost thousands or even hundreds of dollars for a water/gas hybrid.

If you have any automotive experience at all, then you can covert you own car or truck to a water/gas hybrid for less than $150.00.

Thousands of successful water and gas conversions around the world are proof that this technology works and will soon catch on! Some industry insiders say its just a matter of time before this water-burning technology will be standard in new automobiles. One expert estimates most cars will be using this technology by 2012, but until the auto manufacturers catch up, you can use this technology for yourself today at a very reasonable set-up cost.

Your car will become at least 40% more fuel efficient and produce cleaner emissions. It works with plain tap water. No need for distilled water or special water additives! The steps are easy to convert your car to a water/gas hybrid, and the materials are affordable.

There is an easy conversion guide available that shows you how to use electricity from your car's battery to separate water into a gas called Hydroxy which burns smoothly and provides sufficient energy for your vehicle.

About the Author

For more information and to get your guide on converting your vehicle to a water/gas hybrid, Click Here!

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