Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How Hydrogen Fuel Cars Technology Work by Jason Tyler

Did you know Hydrogen fuel cars are becoming more and more popular every single day. You may have already seen a few of these cars on the road today and not even known. Unless the person who equip a hho fuel cell on there car also placed a sticker stating it was getter better gas mileage. With approximately 100k people in the United States alone sporting a HHO fuel cell kit to increase gas mileage. There is a few things that helped them come to the conclusion to adding a hydrogen fuel cell kit on there present car.
What these hho fuel cell kits do is essentially enable a car to burn water as fuel. How this is accomplished is as we all know water is made up of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. A fuel cell uses the batter power from your car for the electrolysis to turn the water into a gas of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. This gas is called HHO gas,Hydroxy gas, Browns Gas and many other names. This gas is used as a fuel additive feed in through the air intake system on your car.
Once the gas starts traveling through your air intake system. It is then forced in to the combustion chamber and mixes with the gas. Using this hho technology as a fuel additive you can greatly increase the gas mileage of any car. This improved gas mileage also helps with emissions. Since hydrogen burns hotter then regular gas it will begin to clean out the impurities that are left from regular gas. Gradually over time the combustion chambers begin to get cleaner and cleaner. This in turn help extend the life of your car. I am sure we have all seen the commercial made to represent the sludge left behind in our cars. Wee can begin to clean this sludge out simply by adding a Hydrogen Fuel cell to our cars.
As difficult as it may sound building and installing one of these hydrogen conversion kits on your car is quite simple. After installing a Hydrogen fuel cell for your car you could expect many great benefits.
Increase Gas Mileage - get an increase of gas mileage from 30% - 120%
Tax break of $2,000 From your IRS tax rebate after installation
Extends engine life by an average of 70% all while cleaning the valves to help make it run quieter and cooler.
Change your oil less even though we would still recommend to change your oil every 3-6k miles
Very little time is needed to build a conversion kit and can be undone at any time.
This can be done on both gas and diesel engines
100% environmentally friendly, as the only byproduct is water
Renewable energy resource - hydrogen and oxygen are in infinite supply
This may sound like something you would only see on the sci fi channel from a futuristic show. Many people have found out how much of a reality it really is to build a hydrogen fuel cell. Hydrogen fuel cell technology was first developed int the mid 1800's. Scientist and companies have been working with this technology since the 1950's. We all want to make a difference for our kids and our grand kids. Well know we can.
When you are ready to purchase a HHO fuel cell kit. We recommend you start your buying process from Gas 4 Free. Another Great location to find these Hydrogen conversion kits is HHO Gas Kit Wizard.

About the Author
Jason Tyler (Auto Mechanic Team) Gas Conversion (Hydrogen/HHO Fuel Cell) Expert
As a certified mechanic, I know the ins and outs of cars. I also know how easy it is (or isn't) to perform certain conversions on cars, trucks, and big-rigs. HHO Gas Kit Wizard

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