Sunday, November 9, 2008

Real Food is MLM Success - How to get MLM Success in a Jiffy

Environment movement is slowly driving the world. It has even created a green economy, where venture capitalists like John Doerr are slowly investing in green technologies like solar power, hybrid cars, eco-cities, organic fertilizers, green housing materials, etc. There is even green-collared economy, where the minority and working classes work in new green jobs that build low-carbon economy. There is even green banks that finance green businesses. Advertising and multi-level marketing themes instantly are centered in environment. Companies suddenly packaged their products and services as environment-friendly to sell.

What is more compelling is even small and home businesses are joining the bandwagon. They mostly market themselves using recyclable packages and compostable bags. Some even claim using natural and organic ingredients. True, plastic bags are compostable when sent to composting facility. Consumers rarely practice such and plastic bags remain to be non-biodegradable for years. Also true that locally-produced foods are environment-friendly because it spends less on transporting, but growing them is not. A New York-sold apple produced in nearby New Jersey may be eco-friendlier by transport than an apple imported from New Zealand, the production of which may be eco-friendlier than New Jersey because of better growing conditions. To compare carbon emissions between New Jersey production plus New Jersey-New York transportation and New Zealand production plus New Zealand-New York transportation, it may turn out that importing New Zealand apples may be eco-friendlier.

These false environmental claims do not sell products and it is a critical point for small and home businesses to take for mlm success. When GMC and Honda marketed their Sierra Hybrid pickup and Accord, respectively, their cars did not tip to drivers because they were phony hybrids. The pickup and car were not fuel-efficient.

Real and genuine production of quality (not just eco-friendly) products and services are the central factors to mlm success. If small and home businesses could sell real food produced in nearby organic farms, such food will have mlm success. Take Alice Waters-owned Chez Panisse restaurant. Gourmet awarded it the best restaurant in America in 2001 because of fresh local food.

Here's to your success. Rivers Corbett CoFounder - MLMOutlaws

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About the Author

Here's to your success. Rivers Corbett CoFounder - MLMOutlaws

Want to discover the truth behind how thousands are developing their network marketing business online? Click to discover the technique which helps pay you while you are building your business!

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